Saturday, July 16, 2011

Chapter IV

I awoke suddenly from a rather disturbing dream, though for some reason I could not remember. Slowly, I remembered what had happened previously and instantly rose from my unbelievably soft bed. I looked around, trying to focus and noticed something rather disturbing. I was in the Prince’s chambers, which meant I was sleeping on his bed.

I cursed under my breath and quickly got up from his bed and struggled to get out of his Majesty’s quarters as soon as possible.

“Nano of Steringald,” an all too familiar voice sounded in my head, “I never thought you knew such language at a very young age such as your own.” It felt like he was scolding me, but I felt an enormous smile on the dragon’s face.

“Forgive me, Master,” I said under my breath trying to put one foot in front of the other. I had not realized that walking had suddenly become quite difficult. “I really need to get out of his Majesty’s quarters. Shame has definitely befallen me.”

“It was the Prince himself that ordered for you to recover here,” Kerin told me.

“That may be so, but where would his Majesty sleep later?” I asked rhetorically.

“Well he has been sleeping at your side in the two days that you have been recovering,” Kerin said matter-of-factly.

“I have been unconscious for two days?” I tripped over my left foot and stumbled onto the ground at the fact.

“Don’t strain yourself, Nano.” Kerin said in a serious tone. “Not many Wielders can survive a sudden Dimensional Opening at your age.”

“You are saying that you might have killed us both doing what you did.” I clarified, trying to get back on my feet.

“That is where trust comes in, young one.”

“With all do respect, I think you over estimate me at times, Master.” I muttered.

“You are still alive, are you not?” he asked. “And never belittle yourself like that. I will not stand to have my Wielder put himself down. Modesty is good, however over exaggeration is ignorance.”

I struggled and staggered to get back on my feet and make my way to the large doorways that led to the exit. Suddenly, I heard a booming laugh in my thoughts

“Go ahead, you stubborn fool. Keep trying to walk after sleeping for two days. See where that will take you.”

Suddenly the doors opened and in walked the Prince dressed in a black robe, similar to the one he wore during the throne room incident, but sleeveless and more fitted. He carried with him a bowl of water and a few towels. An image ran through my mind and I cursed under my breath once again. He has not been bathing me, has he?

“The answer to that question, young one, is yes; once a day actually. I have to admit it was quite amusing to watch.” I felt another huge grin.

“You watched?” I wailed out loud. The Prince, who was setting up the expected daily bathing session quickly turned around at the sudden sound of my voice.

“Nano, you are well!” he sighed with relief. “What are you doing out of bed?” He scolded, seeing me leaning against the wall of his quarters for support. He ran to me and threw my arm around his shoulder for support and led me back to his bed.

“No, your Majesty,” I tried to stand on my own feet, but alas my efforts were futile. “I am feeling much better now; there is no need for me to rest anymore.”

“You dare lie to the Prince of Steringald?” he asked me with a raised eyebrow as he set me down on his bed once more. I reluctantly followed his orders and relaxed on his extremely soft and incredibly large bed.

I turned to his Majesty and noticed that he was staring at the large double doors with his eyes squinted for quite a period of time before suddenly turning his attention to me once more with a smile.

“Did you do what I think you just did, your Highness?” I asked him.

“Stop with the formalities,” he groaned in irritation. “If you are thinking that I telepathically told the castle maid to fetch you something to eat, I did.” He seemed rather proud about it.

“You have gotten much stronger, your Highness,” I commended him.

“It is about all that I can do,” he said reluctantly. He seemed rather disappointed with himself. It must be hard to have to deal with being a half Summoner and half Psyche Mage. I stayed silent and left him to his thoughts.

“Nano,” he said suddenly.

“Your Majesty?”

“I would like to apologize for my behavior a few days ago,” he started. “It was not right for me to say such things to you after not seeing you for so long.”

“Please, your majesty. Do not think anything of it.” I quickly responded.

“I am pretty sure that Thelo the Great has already updated you on my unique condition,”

“Yes, your Majesty.”

“However do you know of the predicament that has befallen our kingdom?”

“I am afraid I do not.”

“I feel rather shameful to bring this to your attention in your condition.” After he said this, I sat up almost immediately to give him the impression that I was more than ready for anything.

“Your Majesty,” I told him, “Whatever it is, I am more than ready.”

“Please, Nano,” he told me, placing a hand on my shoulder and easing me back to bed, “I have no choice but to explain this to you with the little time we have in our hands.”

He took a deep breath before continuing.

“The Demon lands to the west might be planning to launch an all out assault on our kingdom,”

“You mean Grimnile?” I had to make sure. “But, your Majesty, was not a peace agreement between the demons and the humans made in the earlier times?”

“Yes, however the emperor who agreed to that treaty has been killed by his own brother, Trenorg. Since the emperor no longer lives to keep the agreement, the treaty is void. Trenorg is now the new emperor in power and has been building an army for a possible attack.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“We are not, however beasts and monsters that we have never seen before have been running amuck in our lands and the people are growing restless. Father is having a difficult time keeping things in order. As much as he hates wars, one must be started in order for the safety of our people.”

“Do you need me to fight for you, your Highness?” I asked him. “If that is the case then I will with all my strength and being.”

“Still yourself, Nano,” he told me. “What I need you for is something far greater.”

“Anything, your Majesty,” I needed to sit up to show that I meant every word. I did not enjoy having this conversation while lying down.

“Our allied woodland country to the east has agreed to lend us their aid in the war since we have protected their land from the demon scourge for many years. The Prince of Lyndlewood has agreed meet with me to discuss how our upcoming journey will take place.”

At that moment, he was interrupted by one of the castle guards who barged into his quarters suddenly.

“Prince Alexis,” he cried out panting, “The King summons you immediately.”

“What has happened?” he asked standing up almost immediately.

“The Hybrid has arrived, severely injured and without Prince Ramiro.”

“Stay here,” he ordered me before making haste along with the castle guard.

“And what do you think you’re doing?” Kerin asked me as I rose from his majesty’s bed and struggled to follow after.

“I am going to find out what is going on,” I answered to him. Strangely, I had control over my feet once again. My legs no longer felt like they were made of water. I grabbed my sword and hurried after them.

When I reached the throne room, there was a commotion between the servants and the aides of the King. There stood a rather large man, or at least one would think he was from the size of his body. However, once someone would reach his face, it would most likely reveal his true age. He was struggling just to stay on his feet and looked extremely pale.

“He has been poisoned by the Arachnos,” Kerin said to me matter-of-factly.

“Arachnos?” I asked him.

“Yes, they are vile creatures who breed in colonies of immense numbers. That young Hybrid must be treated immediately.”

“Your majesty,” the Hybrid suddenly said above the commotion. The King stood up and listened attentively while everyone else halted their movements. “The Prince, he is in need of help,”

“Quickly, young one,” the King ordered, “Where is Prince Ramiro?”

“We were ambushed,” he struggled to say. Sweat was pouring down and he obviously was having difficulty time breathing. “Enormous spider-like creatures. There were so many of them.”

“He has been poisoned by the Arachnos,” Prince Alexis said suddenly. I had not noticed that he was nearby inspecting the outsider. “It is a miracle that he has made it this far. Quickly, take him to the infirmary. He needs to be given an antidote right away.”

“No,” he struggled to yell when the clerics started to escort him. “We must go back to save his majesty,”

“Great Hybrid, you are in no condition to be rescuing anyone,” Prince Alexis told him.

“We must…” but before the outside could finish, he had collapsed onto the concrete floor. It took a number of clerics to put him on the stretcher and take him to the infirmary.

“Father, I’ll go after Prince Ramiro,” the Prince told the King.

“Do not be absurd,” the King responded. “I will send the Royal Guard to retrieve the Prince,”

“And leave the castle unguarded in case the Demon Army strikes? With all do respect, Father, that is not one of the wisest decisions you have made.”

“It would be a fool’s decision to stand idly by while one’s son walks into danger!” the King boomed.

“Your majesty,” I interrupted. This was my chance to prove myself worthy to be the Prince’s Royal Protector. I had to speak true and with confidence. I needed to impress the King. “Forgive me for interrupting.”

“Master Nano,” the King said suddenly surprised. “Have you fully recovered, young one?”

“Yes I have, your majesty,” I replied, bowing. “Thank you for your hospitality in my time of need. I could not help but over hear your conversation with the Prince.”

“Oh?” The King tilted his head and waited for me to continue.

“If the Prince wishes to rescue Prince Ramiro, please grant me the permission to accompany him,” I said with all the confidence I could muster. If I had not been staring at the ground while bowing, I would have notice the Prince’s shocked look on his face.

“Master Nano,” the King said in a more serious tone, “Are you asking what I think you are asking?”

I fell to both knees before continuing.

“Your Majesty,” I started with a loud voice. “If the Prince, the Queen and yourself see me fit, I wish to be Prince Alexis’ Royal Protector. I vow to serve and protect his majesty and give my life if needed.” There was a brief moment of silence. This is when I find out if all my training and hardships will finally pay off. For this brief moment, it seems as though I have forgotten how to breathe. The silence felt extremely long as I waited for the King’s response.

“Young Nano!” the King finally responded cheerfully. “I thought you would never ask!”

I looked up at him in confusion. Have they truly been expecting me to ask for their permission for some time? He had a huge grin on his face as he turned to his wife who was seated behind him.

“What say you, my love?” the King asked her.

“I do not see why not,” the Queen replied with a smile.

“And you, my son?” the King then turned to the Prince who was still standing next to me.

“Let us see what he has got,” he responded. My heart leaped with the utmost of joy.

“Then it is settled,” the King said walking towards me with his staff. He tapped my shoulder with the top of his staff before speaking again. “From henceforth, Master Nano, wielder of the Bastard Sword, will hereby be officially known as Sir Nano, Royal Protector to Prince Alexis, Heir to Steringald.”

Words cannot express the feelings that were pacing through my mind. It almost felt surreal. Had I truly become a Royal Protector or was I just dreaming?

“This is no dream, young Nano,” Kerin said to me. “Congratulations.”

“Arise, Sir Nano,” the King ordered me. I rose up to my feet quickly and bowed a second time for his Highness before speaking.

“I am truly grateful for this honor, your Majesty,” I declared to him. “I promise I will not let any of you down.”

“I certainly hope so,” Prince Alexis said to me with a smile on his face.

“Now make haste, my young ones,” The King started. “From what I know, the Arachnos are incapable of feeding right away, so the young prince might still have a chance.”

“Please prepare well for your journey before you depart,” the Queen added before turning to me. “And please take care of my child, Sir Nano.”

“My life is his, my Queen.” I responded.

“We must depart now if we are to arrive at the Shadow Caves. That is where the Hybrid and the young prince were most likely ambushed,” Kerin said to me. “It is the only quickest passage between Lyndlewood and Kenalia. There is a good chance the Arachnos have set up a new colony there.”

“We must take our leave,” I said to the King and Queen. “The Shadow Caves are only a few days travel on horse. Kerin believes that is where the Prince is held captive.”

“Be safe,” the King and Queen said simultaneously. Prince Alexis and I then made our way to the castle doors in much haste.

“Sir Nano,” the Prince called my attention. “We must prepare. Gather the necessities and your fastest horse and meet me at the Northern Gate in an hour.”

“Yes, your majesty.” I replied as we arrived at the courtyard just outside the castle.

“And Nano?” he called my attention once more. I turned to him and awaited his next order.

“Do not be late,” the prince said with a smile. I smiled back before quickly making my way back home.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Chapter III

We reached the palace grounds after a few moments time and as I exited the carriage, I took in the sights from my childhood. Since my father was and still is the King’s Personal Guard, I spent much of my time at the palace in my younger years. Even though he did not wield a Legendary Weapon, his skills with a Battle Axe could defeat any Wielder at any day.

As we entered the palace, the guards at the entrance greeted me with a bow, to my surprise.

“Master Nano, Thelo the Great. Welcome.” They both said in unison. I bowed back thinking that I needed to get used how people treat me since I was now a Wielder, no matter how unpleasant it made me feel.

“I guess I should be calling you Master as well,” my father teased as we continued on our way.

“Please, father,” I replied with a frown. “If you even begin to think that, I will renounce my title as Wielder before that word ever leaves your mouth.”

My father gave his hearty laugh as always. As we walked towards the throne room, I took a long glance at my father. They did not call him Thelo the Great for nothing. He was large and tall in stature alone, which can easily intimidate his opponents, but he had a heart of gold. I always wanted to be like him, however I am beginning to think I took after my mother since I am not as immense as he is. I yearned to have that proud walk that he always had, even if he was walking into certain death. I just hope that being a Wielder can help me to become like him, even a small bit.

We reached the throne room which seemed to have gotten much larger since the last time I have been in here. At the far end I noticed that the King and the Queen were seated at their thrones along with a third throne next to theirs. I kept my head low and stared at the ground one I caught sight of them. I noticed at the corner of my eye, my father bowed low so I did so along with him.

“Thelo, my good friend,” the King’s voice boomed. “No matter how many times you have been in this throne room or the many years we have known each other, you never cease to ignore the formalities.”

“Your Majesty,” my father greeted him, “it would not feel right if I did otherwise.”

“Of course,” the King said standing up. I quickly bowed lower. “You even defy my direct orders to not greet me in such a way. True to Steringald traditions, I see.” The King’s laugh echoed through the chamber. Off the corner of my eye, I saw my father stand back up and embraced the King as if they were long time friends.

“My King,” I heard the Queen’s elegant voice make itself heard, “You seem to have forgotten our other guest. I believe he is now speaking with the dust mites which are pretty close to his face at the moment.”

“Master Nano, Wielder of the Bastard Sword. Arise young one.” He ordered me. I stood up timidly still keeping my head low.

“Your Highness,” I greeted him back. I then started to hear a light set of footsteps echoing and wondered if they belonged to the Queen. I felt my hands shake with sheer uneasiness.

“How could you,” I heard a familiar voice say to me. I looked up and saw that it was Prince Alexis, standing right in front of me. If it were not for the anger in his face that I was so accustomed to seeing back when we were much younger and I always had to inform his Majesty that I needed to go home, I would not have recognized him. His black hair had gotten a little longer and he seemed to have gotten taller as well. However, this was different. Tears were welling up in his familiar looking eyes.

“Your Highness,” I said bowing my head low once more.

“How could you,” he repeated again, his voice breaking with emotion.

“Forgive me, your Highness,” I said instinctively, though no matter how hard I tried to recall what I have done to make his Majesty so upset, I could not remember.

“How could you leave me!” he screamed. At that moment I felt an incredibly strong but familiar force send my flying back a considerable distance. In midair I adjusted my body so that I was able to land on my feet and skid back from recoil. That is when I realized when I left three years ago, I did it too suddenly. When Kerin called for me, I did not get the chance to inform his Majesty of my departure.

“How could you not tell me!” he screamed again, walking towards me with his staff in hand. The King was about to intercede when my father stopped him. He swung his staff and I knew that it was only a matter of time until another considerable mental force was going to send me flying once again. I thought about pulling my sword out which was sheathed behind me to shield myself from the attack, but I wanted to be a Personal guard, like my father. A Personal Guard never wields his weapon against someone from the royal family. So instead, leapt to the left just in time and the force caused the castle wall to crumble and crack behind me.

“Just when I needed you most, you were nowhere to be found!” His Majesty said sternly, twirling his staff a bit before going into an attack stance. “Wield your Legendary Weapon, Nano, son of Thelo.” His Highness wanted to fight me. I had never seen this side of him before. He was always carefree and playful before. Did I cause this?

“I said wield your weapon!” His Majesty said once again, even louder.

“Forgive me, your Highness but I will not hold my weapon against you.” I said just as stern. Whatever was going to happen to me is punishment that I deserve for making his Majesty so upset.

“Are you defying a direct order, Nano, son of Thelo?” His Majesty asked me gripping his staff even harder.

“If you are there, Master Kerin,” I said under my breath, “Forgive me for doing this, but I mean no disrespect to you. I just want to prove my point.”

“Do what you must, Nano.” Kerin responded suddenly. That is when I felt that he was ready to defend me all along. He had never left me; he had just stayed silent this whole time.

In my response to his Majesty, I pulled my sword from its sheath and threw it to the side. The sword cracked the granite ground on impact and skidded a short distance.

His Majesty saw what I did and even more anger filled his face. His eyes had already begun to overflow with tears. He had wanted a fight, but I would not give it to him.

“So be it,” he growled. He then slowly folded his arms across his chest and started to gather mental energy in front of him, charging up quite an attack. I stood my ground, willing to take any punishment; even if it will injure me for good.

With an earth shattering yell, he flung his hands apart and fired an enormous mental blast. I saw the castle ground beneath the projectile crumble in its wake as it headed toward its target. Me. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact when I heard an enormous explosion, but no pain.

When I opened my eyes, there was a huge figure that towered over me and shielded me from the attack. It looked familiar, but I never thought I would see him in the flesh. It was Kerin, himself.

I had only always seen him in my thoughts. Whenever he would express extreme emotion, I would see glimpses of his expressions; and when he appeared to me when he was still locked within the crystal, it was merely somewhat of a spectral form. However this time, there was an actual twenty foot tall, blood red dragon inside the throne room. His tail encircled me and he had used one of his rather large wings to shield us both from the attack.

“Forgive me for intruding, Prince Alexis, Heir to the Throne of Steringald,” his voice echoed through the corridors. Even though his mouth stayed closed, words could still be heard.

“Allow me to introduce myself, your majesty,” he started, “I am Kerin, the Fire Spirit of the Bastard Sword you see on the ground before you. I interceded merely because if you had taken his life, mine will be taken as well.” The royal family stood still as Master Kerin spoke.

“Nano had asked me not too long ago if it was true of what his father had told him and I could not answer him. It was something I rather would not have let him known, but once he held the Bastard Sword, I felt nothing but the compassion and the motivation to be worthy enough to be just like his father, Thelo the Great and for you, Prince Alexis. No matter how hard the training I gave him became, his motivation was never for once to be stronger for himself; for sheer power. It was for his father, and most of all it was for you, your Highness. That is why I linked with him. I have never felt so much passion in anyone that was not for his own accord and that gave me high hopes in this young one’s abilities.” He took a quick glance at me with his huge yellow eyes that I have been so accustomed to seeing in my thoughts.

“If you could find it in your heart to forgive Nano for his hasty departure, because it was I who had called to him to come to my side as soon as possible, since it was the year that my guardian was at his weakest, I promise through the Spirit Vow that I will protect and serve you through Nano through any means necessary.” He took another glance at me and I began to feel weak suddenly.

“Alas, I must make my leave. My Prince, my King and my Queen, as long as Nano’s allegiance stays with you, as will mine. Thelo the Great,” he said looking at him. My father bowed low in response. “Nano will be quite weak once I depart, please watch over him so that he may recover. This was something I never planned on doing, but I deemed that it was necessary at this time. Please forgive me.” With that, a bright light exploded and lit up the whole throne room before diminishing, along with Kerin. I instantly felt a wave of exhaustion and fell to my knees. I caught sight of father running towards me and even through my suddenly burred vision, I saw peace on my Prince’s face once again.

Chapter II

Chapter II

During the time I awaited for my dreadful carriage to deliver me to the castle, my father updated me on what has been going on in the years of my absence. According to him, there was much to be informed on.

“Well, to start you out, Prince Alexis has much on his hands at the moment,” my father began.

“Of course,” I told him, “he is Prince of Steringald after all. However I am sure it is nothing that he cannot handle.”

“I may think he has reached his limit,” he started, “You do recall who Prince Alexis took after, correct?”

“Yes, I believe he took after his father, King Alonius.” I answered. King Alonius is one of the most powerful Psyche Wizards in history. I remember realizing that he took after his father when he accidentally sent me soaring into the fountain in the palace courtyard while we were playing a game. He could not stop apologizing but no mortal harm was done.

“Well it turns out he took after his mother as well,” he added.

“What? The Queen?” I exclaimed. “How can that be so?” This was impossible. His mother, Queen Odette, was a Summoner. From what I know, there are four classes of Magical Beings: Psyche Wizards, Elemental Mages, Menders and Summoners. And if two of these Magical Beings from different types bear a child, only one of their innate abilities is be passed on.

“That is just the thing,” my father said with sadness in his eyes, “three of the Queen’s Master Spirit Elements called to him and requested a pact to be made.”

“There must be some mistake,” I started. “Do the Master Spirits know that he is a Psyche Wizard?”

“Watch your tongue, young one,” Master Kerin ordered, “Master Spirits are not to be taken lightly. Even as a spirit myself, I would not say such demeaning things about them.”

“You very well know that Master Spirits can only make pacts with Summoners. A pact would not even be made if he did not have the Summoner within him.” My father corrected me.

“So you are telling me that the Prince is part Psyche Wizard and part Summoner?” I clarified.

“Trust me, my son,” he started, “the Clerics and the Mages are confused as well.”

I was at the brink of hysterics. The Prince is two years younger than me, and there is no possible way that something this immense was easy to handle at his age. He may have the capabilities of being one of the most powerful beings of all time, but at what price?

“How has the Prince faired since then?” I asked my father.

“His Majesty is doing much better than before. However at first, he reached a point of near insanity. Since Psyche Wizards mostly tend to be Aggressive Magic Users like Elemental Mages, and Summoners are Passive Magic Users like Menders, it would make sense that he should be mentally torn by now.”

“What happened?”

“Well, the Clerics decided to train his Majesty in the arts of Passive Psyche Magic, which thankfully eased the magical tension within him. If his father had been an Elemental Mage, who knows what would’ve happened.”

“Relieving news you finally send my way, Father,” I sighed with relief.

“Yet, there is something positive that comes from all this,” my father stated suddenly after a long silence. I was staring at my sword which was on our table between us wondering why the carriage was taking so long to arrive. I needed to see for myself how the Prince was doing.

“What would that be, Father?”

“Since Summoners are only magically connected with their Spirits, they are only dependant on each other from the summon itself.”

“What are you getting at?”

“The Prince is also a Psyche Wizard, which gives him the ability to be mentally linked with the Master Spirits to make coordination between them not a problem. In fact, when under immense stress and strain, the Master Spirits possessed the Prince giving him power that none of us in the Royal Guard nor The Styrengaldian Magical Guild have ever seen before.”

“Incredible,” I said with a gasp,“What Master Spirits is he able to summon now?”

“Friva of Ice, Graida of Fire and Syrendia of Lightning,”

“The three favorite female spirits of the Queen,” I sighed with relief.

“That truly is good news. Friva is one of the kindest Master Spirits along with Syrendia who could sometimes be a bit overwhelming. However, Graida is one to be afraid of. I have no doubt that your Prince will be able to handle them.” Kerin said to me. Friva and Syrendia were the nicest Master Spirits I had ever laid eyes on. Graida, however, could be an evil witch at times.

“I will not remind you again, Nano. Hold your tongue.” Kerin growled sternly.

“Apologies, Master. It won’t happen again.” I said under my breath.

“Are you currently speaking with the great Kerin?” my father asked me suddenly. I was hoping he did not hear me talk to myself.

“Yes, he listens to all my conversations now.” I replied to him. “Is that not so for all Wielders?”

“My dear son, it is quite the opposite.” my father said in awe. “Spirits of the Legendary Weapons hardly ever link themselves with their Wielders in that way, even though doing so can unlock immense power and abilities between the two.”

“Are you sure, Father?” I asked, doubting him. “Master never told me that.”

“The pride of Kerin is not something to take lightly,” my father told me. “When a Spirit links with their Wielder, they do it with a valid reason because linking makes them mortal. Once the Wielder dies, the Spirit dies along with them.”

“Is that true, Master?” I asked him in my thoughts.

“Your carriage awaits, Nano of Styrengald,” he said.

I looked outside and saw that the pearl white carriage pulled by two white horses was nearing our property.

“Father, the carriage is here.” I said to him. He gave a strong huff while standing up.

“I shall go with you,” he said while stretching, “Moral support, you know.”

I smiled at my father and we both got on the embarrassing looking carriage and was on our way.

I tried calling for Kerin several times to get clarification on what my father had told me, but for the first time ever he did not answer back.

Chapter I

After being away from home for so long, I can finally see my home town, the City of Steringald, on the horizon once again. Joy filled my heart once again, like an overflowing cup of water.

“We made it back, Zarakus,” I told my horse while giving him a quick pet. He neighed in response with a small kick from his hind legs.

“What do you say we stop with this mere trotting and get home as quick as we can?” I asked him. Before I could hear a response from him, he set off with incredible speed.

Being the youngest of the Castle Guardians, my father sent me off to train and learn new skills once the spirit of the legendary Bastard Sword chose me. In the form of a red dragon, the spirit called to me 3 years ago and told me to seek him out in my dream. Once I told my father, he was overjoyed and directed me and showed me where I need to go. With nothing but my trusted horse and the skills with a dagger that my father taught me, I set off to seek the spirit.

I came across many monsters and obstacles in my way, but even when I felt like I had no hope in overcoming my enemies, I thought of my father who I wanted to make proud and my childhood friend, Alexis, the Prince of Steringald. If I become strong enough, I’d be able to be his Personal Guard and that was my goal. I knew that with the aid and the guidance of the Spirit, I would be able to make my aspirations a reality.

The guardian of the Bastard Sword was a tough beast, but I managed to pull through with a few scratches and wounds. I remember staring at the large sword which was lodged within a crystal and wondered why the Spirit chose me. The Legendary Bastard Sword is one of the Five Great Swords from the Viking Ages which meant they were quite large. This particular sword was almost as big and wide as me. How would I be able to wield it?

The Spirit then came to me once more and ordered me to pull him out, so I did. To my surprise the sword was heavier than I imagined. Struggling with the immense weight of the sword, I was beginning to feel that my journey might have been in vain.

“Nano of Steringald,” The Spirit called to me as I was flying past the green pastures of my home kingdom.

“Yes, master?” I called back.

“Am I sensing doubt within you once again?”

“No doubts, master,” I responded. “Just remembering first meeting you; that is all.”

“Good,” he said with a hearty laugh, “I was beginning to think all our training was for naught.”

I spent the rest of the time from my journey training with Kerin, the Dragon Spirit of the Bastard Sword. Ever since I set him free from the confines of the Crystal Cage, his spirit became linked with me. He trained me with rigorous exercises and showed me different stances that I could use with his sword.

I remember halfway through the training, I felt too weak to go on. That’s when Kerin gave me the lecture of a lifetime.

“Nano, are you unable to handle my training?” I remember him asking me.

“Master, I’m beginning to think I’m too weak to wield your mighty sword,” I admitted. “I thought I’d be able to handle anything that you’d tell me, but I feel as if I’m falling to short.” I responded.

“I chose you not for your strength, Nano, but for your loyal and caring heart. Your motivations are right and true. As you know, fire is a destructive element, based on rage and fury. Being under my previous wielder, I felt the fury that he felt, thus making him a powerful yet evil fighter. However, fire isn’t only based on those aspects. The fire of courage and bravery that fills the heart is stronger than any fire that hate alone has fueled. Nano, within you, I see the fire that I wish to be fueled on.”

That brought me back to my feet with the strength that I needed, and within a year and a half, Kerin told me that I was ready to wield him as a true Bastard Sword Apprentice. Before I made my journey back home, I noticed that the sword had gotten a lot lighter since I first started with it.

“Who goes there?” one of the guards from the gates called out to me.

“Olidard, do you not remember me?” I asked him.

“Nano?” he looked at me closely, squinting his eyes.

“Yes, it is I, returning home from my journey. I am quite tired so if you’ll let me pass…”

However, before I could finish speaking, Olidard called the other guards.

“All hail Nano, wielder of the Legendary Bastard Sword!” He said proudly. The crowd echoed a response before gathering around me as if I was of a royal bloodline.

“Olidard, that was unnecessary.” I said under my breath. However, he couldn’t hear me with the immense crowd that gathered and congratulated me.

“Steringald!” I called out for their silence. “Thank you all for the kind welcome home, but as you can see, I am quite exhausted from my journey.”

“Sire,” Olidard said bowing, “Please forgive my impudence. Do make haste to your father and get your rest.”

“Sire?” I asked myself as he cleared the crowd and made a pathway for me and my horse to gallop through. I then remembered that wielding one of the Legendary Weapons automatically boosts my rank higher than any official here. I can’t believe I completely forgot about that.

I finally reached home and brought my horse in to the stable for a much needed rest and a big vat of hey and water.

“Rest now, Zarakus,” I told him petting him. “You deserve it.”

I made my way out of the stable to see my father, waiting on the doorstep.

“The rumors are true,” he said under his breath.

“Father,” I said, my heart filling with joy once again. I ran to him and gave him a firm handshake. He shook back with tears welling in his eyes.

“My son, a Wielder at only 16 years of age,” he said.

“19 now, father,” I reminded him.

At that moment, I felt all the satisfaction I could ever need. My father was proud of me and that’s what I needed all along.

“Are you not glad you continued your training, Nano of Steringald?” Kerin asked me in my thoughts.

“More than ever,” I replied under my own breath.

“I trust you had a difficult journey,” My father asked me.

“Nothing I couldn’t handle,” I replied to him with a sly smile.

“I am guessing you could not handle your armor,” he said motioning to my bare upper body.

“Should I tell him, Master?” I asked Kerin in my thoughts.

“I see no problem revealing one of my secrets to him. Your father was a noble Royal Guard in his day. Even I had caught wind of the stories of his expeditions with the King.”

“Master Kerin taught me that armor is a hindrance when wielding his sword. It also shows trust.” I explained to my father.

“Ah, the Great Master Kerin, the Fire Dragon Spirit of the Bastard Sword,” my father said in awe. He then bowed in front of me which made me feel incredibly uneasy.

That’s when a messenger riding a horse stopped onto our lands. I remembered him vaguely back in my childhood since I spent most of my time at the palace during that time.

“Master Nano, son of Thelo, I bring you urgent news from the palace,” he started. Both my father and I listened attentively. “Prince Alexis has summoned you to the palace as soon as possible for a royal hearing. They will be expecting a response.”

I sighed and wondered inside how word travels so fast in this kingdom. I looked to my father and he just shrugged his shoulders.

“Tell his majesty that I accept his summons,” I said regrettably.

“He will be pleased,” the messenger responded. “A carriage will be on its way to deliver you to the palace. Have a pleasant day.”

“A carriage?” I complained. I could not think of anything more embarrassing.

“A Wielder gets quite a treatment in your kingdom.” Kerin stated.

“It was not like this before,” I replied.