Saturday, July 16, 2011

Chapter IV

I awoke suddenly from a rather disturbing dream, though for some reason I could not remember. Slowly, I remembered what had happened previously and instantly rose from my unbelievably soft bed. I looked around, trying to focus and noticed something rather disturbing. I was in the Prince’s chambers, which meant I was sleeping on his bed.

I cursed under my breath and quickly got up from his bed and struggled to get out of his Majesty’s quarters as soon as possible.

“Nano of Steringald,” an all too familiar voice sounded in my head, “I never thought you knew such language at a very young age such as your own.” It felt like he was scolding me, but I felt an enormous smile on the dragon’s face.

“Forgive me, Master,” I said under my breath trying to put one foot in front of the other. I had not realized that walking had suddenly become quite difficult. “I really need to get out of his Majesty’s quarters. Shame has definitely befallen me.”

“It was the Prince himself that ordered for you to recover here,” Kerin told me.

“That may be so, but where would his Majesty sleep later?” I asked rhetorically.

“Well he has been sleeping at your side in the two days that you have been recovering,” Kerin said matter-of-factly.

“I have been unconscious for two days?” I tripped over my left foot and stumbled onto the ground at the fact.

“Don’t strain yourself, Nano.” Kerin said in a serious tone. “Not many Wielders can survive a sudden Dimensional Opening at your age.”

“You are saying that you might have killed us both doing what you did.” I clarified, trying to get back on my feet.

“That is where trust comes in, young one.”

“With all do respect, I think you over estimate me at times, Master.” I muttered.

“You are still alive, are you not?” he asked. “And never belittle yourself like that. I will not stand to have my Wielder put himself down. Modesty is good, however over exaggeration is ignorance.”

I struggled and staggered to get back on my feet and make my way to the large doorways that led to the exit. Suddenly, I heard a booming laugh in my thoughts

“Go ahead, you stubborn fool. Keep trying to walk after sleeping for two days. See where that will take you.”

Suddenly the doors opened and in walked the Prince dressed in a black robe, similar to the one he wore during the throne room incident, but sleeveless and more fitted. He carried with him a bowl of water and a few towels. An image ran through my mind and I cursed under my breath once again. He has not been bathing me, has he?

“The answer to that question, young one, is yes; once a day actually. I have to admit it was quite amusing to watch.” I felt another huge grin.

“You watched?” I wailed out loud. The Prince, who was setting up the expected daily bathing session quickly turned around at the sudden sound of my voice.

“Nano, you are well!” he sighed with relief. “What are you doing out of bed?” He scolded, seeing me leaning against the wall of his quarters for support. He ran to me and threw my arm around his shoulder for support and led me back to his bed.

“No, your Majesty,” I tried to stand on my own feet, but alas my efforts were futile. “I am feeling much better now; there is no need for me to rest anymore.”

“You dare lie to the Prince of Steringald?” he asked me with a raised eyebrow as he set me down on his bed once more. I reluctantly followed his orders and relaxed on his extremely soft and incredibly large bed.

I turned to his Majesty and noticed that he was staring at the large double doors with his eyes squinted for quite a period of time before suddenly turning his attention to me once more with a smile.

“Did you do what I think you just did, your Highness?” I asked him.

“Stop with the formalities,” he groaned in irritation. “If you are thinking that I telepathically told the castle maid to fetch you something to eat, I did.” He seemed rather proud about it.

“You have gotten much stronger, your Highness,” I commended him.

“It is about all that I can do,” he said reluctantly. He seemed rather disappointed with himself. It must be hard to have to deal with being a half Summoner and half Psyche Mage. I stayed silent and left him to his thoughts.

“Nano,” he said suddenly.

“Your Majesty?”

“I would like to apologize for my behavior a few days ago,” he started. “It was not right for me to say such things to you after not seeing you for so long.”

“Please, your majesty. Do not think anything of it.” I quickly responded.

“I am pretty sure that Thelo the Great has already updated you on my unique condition,”

“Yes, your Majesty.”

“However do you know of the predicament that has befallen our kingdom?”

“I am afraid I do not.”

“I feel rather shameful to bring this to your attention in your condition.” After he said this, I sat up almost immediately to give him the impression that I was more than ready for anything.

“Your Majesty,” I told him, “Whatever it is, I am more than ready.”

“Please, Nano,” he told me, placing a hand on my shoulder and easing me back to bed, “I have no choice but to explain this to you with the little time we have in our hands.”

He took a deep breath before continuing.

“The Demon lands to the west might be planning to launch an all out assault on our kingdom,”

“You mean Grimnile?” I had to make sure. “But, your Majesty, was not a peace agreement between the demons and the humans made in the earlier times?”

“Yes, however the emperor who agreed to that treaty has been killed by his own brother, Trenorg. Since the emperor no longer lives to keep the agreement, the treaty is void. Trenorg is now the new emperor in power and has been building an army for a possible attack.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“We are not, however beasts and monsters that we have never seen before have been running amuck in our lands and the people are growing restless. Father is having a difficult time keeping things in order. As much as he hates wars, one must be started in order for the safety of our people.”

“Do you need me to fight for you, your Highness?” I asked him. “If that is the case then I will with all my strength and being.”

“Still yourself, Nano,” he told me. “What I need you for is something far greater.”

“Anything, your Majesty,” I needed to sit up to show that I meant every word. I did not enjoy having this conversation while lying down.

“Our allied woodland country to the east has agreed to lend us their aid in the war since we have protected their land from the demon scourge for many years. The Prince of Lyndlewood has agreed meet with me to discuss how our upcoming journey will take place.”

At that moment, he was interrupted by one of the castle guards who barged into his quarters suddenly.

“Prince Alexis,” he cried out panting, “The King summons you immediately.”

“What has happened?” he asked standing up almost immediately.

“The Hybrid has arrived, severely injured and without Prince Ramiro.”

“Stay here,” he ordered me before making haste along with the castle guard.

“And what do you think you’re doing?” Kerin asked me as I rose from his majesty’s bed and struggled to follow after.

“I am going to find out what is going on,” I answered to him. Strangely, I had control over my feet once again. My legs no longer felt like they were made of water. I grabbed my sword and hurried after them.

When I reached the throne room, there was a commotion between the servants and the aides of the King. There stood a rather large man, or at least one would think he was from the size of his body. However, once someone would reach his face, it would most likely reveal his true age. He was struggling just to stay on his feet and looked extremely pale.

“He has been poisoned by the Arachnos,” Kerin said to me matter-of-factly.

“Arachnos?” I asked him.

“Yes, they are vile creatures who breed in colonies of immense numbers. That young Hybrid must be treated immediately.”

“Your majesty,” the Hybrid suddenly said above the commotion. The King stood up and listened attentively while everyone else halted their movements. “The Prince, he is in need of help,”

“Quickly, young one,” the King ordered, “Where is Prince Ramiro?”

“We were ambushed,” he struggled to say. Sweat was pouring down and he obviously was having difficulty time breathing. “Enormous spider-like creatures. There were so many of them.”

“He has been poisoned by the Arachnos,” Prince Alexis said suddenly. I had not noticed that he was nearby inspecting the outsider. “It is a miracle that he has made it this far. Quickly, take him to the infirmary. He needs to be given an antidote right away.”

“No,” he struggled to yell when the clerics started to escort him. “We must go back to save his majesty,”

“Great Hybrid, you are in no condition to be rescuing anyone,” Prince Alexis told him.

“We must…” but before the outside could finish, he had collapsed onto the concrete floor. It took a number of clerics to put him on the stretcher and take him to the infirmary.

“Father, I’ll go after Prince Ramiro,” the Prince told the King.

“Do not be absurd,” the King responded. “I will send the Royal Guard to retrieve the Prince,”

“And leave the castle unguarded in case the Demon Army strikes? With all do respect, Father, that is not one of the wisest decisions you have made.”

“It would be a fool’s decision to stand idly by while one’s son walks into danger!” the King boomed.

“Your majesty,” I interrupted. This was my chance to prove myself worthy to be the Prince’s Royal Protector. I had to speak true and with confidence. I needed to impress the King. “Forgive me for interrupting.”

“Master Nano,” the King said suddenly surprised. “Have you fully recovered, young one?”

“Yes I have, your majesty,” I replied, bowing. “Thank you for your hospitality in my time of need. I could not help but over hear your conversation with the Prince.”

“Oh?” The King tilted his head and waited for me to continue.

“If the Prince wishes to rescue Prince Ramiro, please grant me the permission to accompany him,” I said with all the confidence I could muster. If I had not been staring at the ground while bowing, I would have notice the Prince’s shocked look on his face.

“Master Nano,” the King said in a more serious tone, “Are you asking what I think you are asking?”

I fell to both knees before continuing.

“Your Majesty,” I started with a loud voice. “If the Prince, the Queen and yourself see me fit, I wish to be Prince Alexis’ Royal Protector. I vow to serve and protect his majesty and give my life if needed.” There was a brief moment of silence. This is when I find out if all my training and hardships will finally pay off. For this brief moment, it seems as though I have forgotten how to breathe. The silence felt extremely long as I waited for the King’s response.

“Young Nano!” the King finally responded cheerfully. “I thought you would never ask!”

I looked up at him in confusion. Have they truly been expecting me to ask for their permission for some time? He had a huge grin on his face as he turned to his wife who was seated behind him.

“What say you, my love?” the King asked her.

“I do not see why not,” the Queen replied with a smile.

“And you, my son?” the King then turned to the Prince who was still standing next to me.

“Let us see what he has got,” he responded. My heart leaped with the utmost of joy.

“Then it is settled,” the King said walking towards me with his staff. He tapped my shoulder with the top of his staff before speaking again. “From henceforth, Master Nano, wielder of the Bastard Sword, will hereby be officially known as Sir Nano, Royal Protector to Prince Alexis, Heir to Steringald.”

Words cannot express the feelings that were pacing through my mind. It almost felt surreal. Had I truly become a Royal Protector or was I just dreaming?

“This is no dream, young Nano,” Kerin said to me. “Congratulations.”

“Arise, Sir Nano,” the King ordered me. I rose up to my feet quickly and bowed a second time for his Highness before speaking.

“I am truly grateful for this honor, your Majesty,” I declared to him. “I promise I will not let any of you down.”

“I certainly hope so,” Prince Alexis said to me with a smile on his face.

“Now make haste, my young ones,” The King started. “From what I know, the Arachnos are incapable of feeding right away, so the young prince might still have a chance.”

“Please prepare well for your journey before you depart,” the Queen added before turning to me. “And please take care of my child, Sir Nano.”

“My life is his, my Queen.” I responded.

“We must depart now if we are to arrive at the Shadow Caves. That is where the Hybrid and the young prince were most likely ambushed,” Kerin said to me. “It is the only quickest passage between Lyndlewood and Kenalia. There is a good chance the Arachnos have set up a new colony there.”

“We must take our leave,” I said to the King and Queen. “The Shadow Caves are only a few days travel on horse. Kerin believes that is where the Prince is held captive.”

“Be safe,” the King and Queen said simultaneously. Prince Alexis and I then made our way to the castle doors in much haste.

“Sir Nano,” the Prince called my attention. “We must prepare. Gather the necessities and your fastest horse and meet me at the Northern Gate in an hour.”

“Yes, your majesty.” I replied as we arrived at the courtyard just outside the castle.

“And Nano?” he called my attention once more. I turned to him and awaited his next order.

“Do not be late,” the prince said with a smile. I smiled back before quickly making my way back home.

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