Friday, December 17, 2010

Chapter II

Chapter II

During the time I awaited for my dreadful carriage to deliver me to the castle, my father updated me on what has been going on in the years of my absence. According to him, there was much to be informed on.

“Well, to start you out, Prince Alexis has much on his hands at the moment,” my father began.

“Of course,” I told him, “he is Prince of Steringald after all. However I am sure it is nothing that he cannot handle.”

“I may think he has reached his limit,” he started, “You do recall who Prince Alexis took after, correct?”

“Yes, I believe he took after his father, King Alonius.” I answered. King Alonius is one of the most powerful Psyche Wizards in history. I remember realizing that he took after his father when he accidentally sent me soaring into the fountain in the palace courtyard while we were playing a game. He could not stop apologizing but no mortal harm was done.

“Well it turns out he took after his mother as well,” he added.

“What? The Queen?” I exclaimed. “How can that be so?” This was impossible. His mother, Queen Odette, was a Summoner. From what I know, there are four classes of Magical Beings: Psyche Wizards, Elemental Mages, Menders and Summoners. And if two of these Magical Beings from different types bear a child, only one of their innate abilities is be passed on.

“That is just the thing,” my father said with sadness in his eyes, “three of the Queen’s Master Spirit Elements called to him and requested a pact to be made.”

“There must be some mistake,” I started. “Do the Master Spirits know that he is a Psyche Wizard?”

“Watch your tongue, young one,” Master Kerin ordered, “Master Spirits are not to be taken lightly. Even as a spirit myself, I would not say such demeaning things about them.”

“You very well know that Master Spirits can only make pacts with Summoners. A pact would not even be made if he did not have the Summoner within him.” My father corrected me.

“So you are telling me that the Prince is part Psyche Wizard and part Summoner?” I clarified.

“Trust me, my son,” he started, “the Clerics and the Mages are confused as well.”

I was at the brink of hysterics. The Prince is two years younger than me, and there is no possible way that something this immense was easy to handle at his age. He may have the capabilities of being one of the most powerful beings of all time, but at what price?

“How has the Prince faired since then?” I asked my father.

“His Majesty is doing much better than before. However at first, he reached a point of near insanity. Since Psyche Wizards mostly tend to be Aggressive Magic Users like Elemental Mages, and Summoners are Passive Magic Users like Menders, it would make sense that he should be mentally torn by now.”

“What happened?”

“Well, the Clerics decided to train his Majesty in the arts of Passive Psyche Magic, which thankfully eased the magical tension within him. If his father had been an Elemental Mage, who knows what would’ve happened.”

“Relieving news you finally send my way, Father,” I sighed with relief.

“Yet, there is something positive that comes from all this,” my father stated suddenly after a long silence. I was staring at my sword which was on our table between us wondering why the carriage was taking so long to arrive. I needed to see for myself how the Prince was doing.

“What would that be, Father?”

“Since Summoners are only magically connected with their Spirits, they are only dependant on each other from the summon itself.”

“What are you getting at?”

“The Prince is also a Psyche Wizard, which gives him the ability to be mentally linked with the Master Spirits to make coordination between them not a problem. In fact, when under immense stress and strain, the Master Spirits possessed the Prince giving him power that none of us in the Royal Guard nor The Styrengaldian Magical Guild have ever seen before.”

“Incredible,” I said with a gasp,“What Master Spirits is he able to summon now?”

“Friva of Ice, Graida of Fire and Syrendia of Lightning,”

“The three favorite female spirits of the Queen,” I sighed with relief.

“That truly is good news. Friva is one of the kindest Master Spirits along with Syrendia who could sometimes be a bit overwhelming. However, Graida is one to be afraid of. I have no doubt that your Prince will be able to handle them.” Kerin said to me. Friva and Syrendia were the nicest Master Spirits I had ever laid eyes on. Graida, however, could be an evil witch at times.

“I will not remind you again, Nano. Hold your tongue.” Kerin growled sternly.

“Apologies, Master. It won’t happen again.” I said under my breath.

“Are you currently speaking with the great Kerin?” my father asked me suddenly. I was hoping he did not hear me talk to myself.

“Yes, he listens to all my conversations now.” I replied to him. “Is that not so for all Wielders?”

“My dear son, it is quite the opposite.” my father said in awe. “Spirits of the Legendary Weapons hardly ever link themselves with their Wielders in that way, even though doing so can unlock immense power and abilities between the two.”

“Are you sure, Father?” I asked, doubting him. “Master never told me that.”

“The pride of Kerin is not something to take lightly,” my father told me. “When a Spirit links with their Wielder, they do it with a valid reason because linking makes them mortal. Once the Wielder dies, the Spirit dies along with them.”

“Is that true, Master?” I asked him in my thoughts.

“Your carriage awaits, Nano of Styrengald,” he said.

I looked outside and saw that the pearl white carriage pulled by two white horses was nearing our property.

“Father, the carriage is here.” I said to him. He gave a strong huff while standing up.

“I shall go with you,” he said while stretching, “Moral support, you know.”

I smiled at my father and we both got on the embarrassing looking carriage and was on our way.

I tried calling for Kerin several times to get clarification on what my father had told me, but for the first time ever he did not answer back.

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